Friday, April 15, 2011

The Almighty Johnsons... Norse Mythology anyone?

Alright! The first season of The Almighty Johnsons has just finished and it was a bit unexpected and a bit of a set up for the coming of season 2.  For those of you not in the know, The Almighty Johnsons is a new comedy-drama television series from New Zealand with a fresh angle on Norse Mythology.  The premise of the series is that the brothers  are living incarnations of Norse Gods.

You do know the Norse Gods without googling it right? I mean, Freya the goddess of prosperity? 
How about Odin the Allfather?

Loki the god of Mischief??

Come on? Reeeally?  Ooookay... let me give you this one: Thor? As in the Mighty Thor? The God of thunder and lightning...

Yeah, that should have rung a few bells unless you live under a rock coz he's got a movie coming from Marvel but that's gonna be a different blog post.

Anyway, back to the series.  Ok, so they are living, breathing gods but in this series, they are not all-powerful -- not just yet anyway.  So there's this bloke Axl Johnson celebrating his 21st bday, unbeknownst to him is that in their family, when you reach 21, you receive a different kind of gift... the gift of Godhood! Axl is the youngest in the Johnson family and all his other brothers are also gods.  His Uncle who, in this story is also his grandfather, is an Oracle. When he received his godhood, his Uncle finds out which God he is... It turns out that Axl received Odin, the Allfather. The King of the Gods. Axl is the youngest of the brothers but technically, he outranks all of them. Sweet!

And since Odin is back, it is said that he must fulfill a prophecy... he must embark on a quest to find his beloved wife Frigg!  When they have married and consummated their love, all the Norse gods will return to power and rule mankind once more! Should he fail, it would mean the lives of his brother. 

It's an interesting concept and an entertaining series, at least for me.  Somehow, I feel that this is not for everyone.  You can find the acting a bit lacking most of the time, there are a few gems in there.  Like Spartacus:Blood and Sand, expect some adults scenes on this series.

If you like it check it out but don't blame me if it's not your cup of tea.. but I find it good nevertheless... mumbling away while crossing the rainbow bridge to reach Asgard!


  1. Is there a season 2??

  2. Yep! Very late reply but consider this an update.. There will be a season 2 but as of this writing, they are still shooting some scenes. Season 2 was late approved... I think the green light was given late July 2011. So maybe we'll see this series coming back mid this year or maybe earlier...
